Category Archives: SanboZen

Beginner’s Mind Zen Retreat

Designed for beginners in Zen, the 2-day weekend overnight retreat series in the Philippines introduces important aspects of traditional Zen practice. Participants engage in Zen meditation, learn zendo protocols, walking meditation, and other mindfulness practices. The retreat provides a supportive environment for beginners to immerse themselves in the practice of Zen, allowing them to deepen their understanding and experience.

During the retreat, participants are guided in the art of Zen meditation, which involves sitting in stillness and observing the breath. This practice cultivates mindfulness and helps quiet the mind, creating a sense of inner calm and clarity. Additionally, attendees have the opportunity to learn zendo protocols, the formal etiquette and rituals followed in a Zen meditation hall. These protocols help create a harmonious and focused atmosphere for meditation.

Furthermore, the retreat offers the space for participants to ask questions about Zen. They can seek clarification or guidance from experienced practitioners and deepen their knowledge of Zen philosophy and practice. This open dialogue fosters a sense of community and support among participants.

If you are interested in exploring Zen and are a beginner seeking a guided experience, this retreat provides a valuable opportunity to learn and practice alongside like-minded individuals. To learn more about the Beginners Mind Zen Retreat series, please visit the source.

April 20-21, 2024  
August 10-11, 2024 
November 9-10, 2024